Overpass Ultra is a reimagining of overpass turbo powered by MapLibre GL JS. Like overpass turbo, it is a web-based data filtering & visualization tool for OpenStreetMap.
Thanks to MapLibre GL JS's excellent large GeoJSON support, Overpass Ultra can visualize larger datasets than overpass turbo with ease.
More information about how to write Overpass queries can be found in the OSM wiki.
Live Mode
In Live Mode, Overpass Ultra will automatically make Overpass API queries as you pan & zoom the map. Like raster & vector tiles in Leaflet/Mapbox/MapLibre/OpenLayers/etc, the current map view is divided into the Slippy Grid. Then Overpass API requests for the bbox of each slip tile is made serially as to avoid over-loading the API. The zoom level at which tiles are loaded can be defined in the settings.
MapLibre GL JS Styling
In place of overpass turbo's MapCSS support, Overpass Ultra leverages the MapLibre GL JS style specification to enable customized result visualization.
Using a custom style without customizing styling of Overpass data
Simply set the URL to your desired style's `style.json` in the settings. Overpass Ultra will automatically add the source and layers for rendering Overpass data.
Using a custom style and customizing styling of Overpass data
You can specify an URL to your style.json
in the
settings. It should include an empty GeoJSON source named
and any layers you wish to create from
Overpass data. This source will be updated by Overpass Ultra with
the query result as GeoJSON data.
See the following styles for examples:
- Overpass Ultra's default style. OSM Vector Tiles with Overpass layers styled simlar to overpass turbo -
- A style highlighting bicycle lanes.
Overpass Queries
Overpass API allows to query for OSM data by your own search criteria. For this purpose, it has a specifically crafted query language.
In addition to regular Overpass API queries one can use
to specify the bounding box coordinates of the
current map view.

Overpass Ultra is built by Daniel Schep.
Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests
Overpass Ultra is still in early stages of development and should be considered experimental.
If you would like to report a bug or provide other feedback, please do so in the project's Issue Tracker
Source Code
The source code of this application is released under the MIT license.
Data Sources
- Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL (Terms)
- Data mining by Overpass API
- Map tiles © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors and hosted by the OSM Americana Community Vector Tile Server
Software & Libraries
- Map powered by MapLibre GL JS
- User Interface powered by Picnic CSS
- OSM to GeoJSON conversion powered by osmtogeojson